Monday, December 19, 2011

This video is a causing a bit of a storm on the world wide web so I thought I'd post. It reminds me of me when I was 14, a lot of people are saying it's a horrible thing to do since minimum wage workers have to clean up their mess. I think for the amount of people they're entertaining on the internet it is worth it. And also the way I see it you gotta be working the whole time at a minimum wage job anyway. It's not like they're knocking over portable toilets.


  1. Alright it was pretty dickish of them to do that, but still, these people are going to have to clean up mess anyway. It would piss me off though if I was one of the guys who had to clean it up mind.

  2. Meh, I've worked retail before. I would rather be organizing and picking something up than dealing with a customer at the register or mopping the floors or something.

  3. I dont wanna sound like an old fart , but what happened to kids these days. U would never see us do these kinds of stuff back in the 90's

  4. haha it is kind of funny but completely dickish indeed. Then again I worked retail too and organizing stuff beats dealing with a pain in the butt customer any day.

  5. let me know what you are looking for in a community, i have several that i play...mine is poetry mostly at dverse...but there are other good ones...first one i played was there is a weekly theme you post on for thursdays...have some good friends there...
